Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Links to Nutrition

(Click on Links that are underlined and in Purple)

I follow and support the  Weston A. Price Foundation, and recently became chapter president of the Amarillo Greater Region.   I encourage you all to go to this site and check out their search engine.  You can search any nutritional topic on this website and it will pull up many referenced journals, periodicals, articles, and other literature on the topic, so you can make your best choice based on an educated perception. 
You will also learn who Weston A. Price is and why we consider him one of our Nutrition "founding fathers".  He traveled to many native tribe regions or isolated regions with particular "cultural foods".  This particular article reports his findings and explains some of the foundational thinking that the WAPF endorses. He found that people with the best tooth enamel and jaw alighnment had a rich source of X-factor found in fats derived from herbavores, particularly the ones that ate fast growing shoots of chlorophyll rich plants.  There is a company that makes flavored fish oils and high density butter oils.  Green Pastures.
The president of the WAPF is Sally Fallon, and you can use this link to check out her WAPF cookbook, "Nourishing Traditions, ~The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats."  In here you will find several recipes, such as lactofermented vegetables, which I highly recommend that you incorporate into your diet.  Beet Kvass, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, and Kefir are some of the many fermented foods that supply a natural source of probiotics, that aid in digestion, immunity, pH balancing, as well as supply a source of amino acids and b vitamins.  I make many of these products myself, but I highly recommend a company Fabulous Ferments.  You can buy almost every kind of fermented product known and they are all made from organic vegetables, and made with love :).  Studies have shown that eating nutrient dense food can improve your health and reduce the need for supplementation.  However, due to commercial farming techniques our foods have become nutritionally depleted from lack of minerals in the soil, and from the length of time produce is rippened.  I use only whole food supplementation, grown by organic farming techniques, to maintain my bodies ability to perform daily activities and encounter environmental stressors which far surpass the average person's stressors from 50-100 years ago.  Hormones, antibiotics, pharmacueticals, enviromental pollution and contaminants, and food quality have left our bodies depleted and over worked.  I mainly use Standard Process supplements designed in the early 1930's by  Dr. Royal Lee who is also one of nutrition's "founding father's".  He also was a dentist and his research opened the door to understanding the physiological effects of vitamins and minerals, from food, have on the human body.
There are a few other Nutrition "founding fathers" that I would like to introduce you to.  Many of them were dentists.  Francis M. Pottenger, MD studied how nutrition can not only affect the health of cats and following generations, but how cats in poor health could be restored to good health by nutrition.  This is monumental in establishing the ability of the human body to overcome healing barriers when we supply the body with the nutrients it needs. 

I also use a diet plan which incorporates the Paleolithic Diet by Robb Wolfe, the Mediterranean Diet, the South Beach Diet, the Body Ecology Diet, as well as the Dr. Page Diet.  Many of my colleagues use the Dr. Page Diet Plan, and you can read a great article by one of them, Curt Hamilton CCN.  He explains what Phase I and Phase II is, but I can go into further detail here:
The phases are refering to liver processes.  In Phase I, we are trying to get the body to transform from a mainly carbohydrate metabolism to a protein and fat metabolism.  By doing the Phase I diet we are clearing out many of the the glycogen storages.  We are forcing the body to utilize glycogenolysis to rid the body of excess carbohydrate storage in the from of glycogen, so that it will begin to utilize fat & protein for its primary fuel source.  This is beneficial in several ways.  First, it can help you to maintain a stable blood sugar for longer periods of time.  Two, when you workout you will be tearing down muscle and burning fat, rather than only burning glycogen storages.  Third, by cleansing your liver of stored glycogen it will not be used as much as a storative organ so that it has more room to perform its processes more efficiently. This diet also supports the rebuilding of muscle tissue for gaining lean muscle mass.  Weightlifting, plyometrics, yoga, kettlebells and other resistance training compliments this diet well. Crossfit is a great way to exercise without causing hormonal imbalances and for developing muscle mass with the least effort. Part of their program is to follow the Paleolithic Diet, which limits legumes, grains, and potatoes.  I recommend that everyone checkout the "Everyday Paleo Cookbook" by Sarah Fragoso .  It's another cookbook that helps you to make fast, easy, nutrient dense foods.
In nutrition, we want to know what foods to avoid, or which foods in each food group are the most nutrient rich?  The answer is different for everyone, based on each individuals physiology.  The previosly discussed diets and the Weston A. Price Foundation are wonderful way to explore those topics.

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